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 1. Dr. Timothy George  The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus (Q&A) -  Henry Forums 
 2. Todd Wilson  The Implications of a Bodily Resurrection  1 Corinthians 
 3. William Lane Craig and James Crossley  Debate: Was Jesus Bodily Raised From The Dead?   
 4. Dr. Gary Habermas  The Impact of Jesus' Resurrection   
 5. David Luke  Jesus' burial and resurrection  Studies in Mark 
 6. Dr. Gary Habermas  The Impact of Jesus' Resurrection   
 7. Pastor Enoch Liao  Building Your Life on the Resurrection of Jesus  Building Your Life on Jesus 
 8. William Lane Craig and Bart Ehrman 2006  Is There Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus?  Is There Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus? 
 9. Craig Hazen  Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus   
 10. John Dominic Crossan  Participation in the Death and Resurrection of Jesus  2007 Calvary Episcopal Church Lenten Preaching Series 
 11. William Lane Craig and Bart Ehrman 2006  Is There Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus?  Is There Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus? 
 12. William Lane Craig and Bart Ehrman 2006  Is There Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus?  Is There Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus? 
 13. William Lane Craig and Bart Ehrman 2006  Is There Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus?  Is There Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus? 
 14. Dr. Wave Nunnally  The Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus  The Passion 
 15. William Taylor  A Fact of Life: The Resurrection of Jesus  St Peter's Barge 
 16. William Lane Craig and Hector Avalos  Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Fact or Fiction?  Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Fact or Fiction? 
 17. Dr. Gary R. Habermas  Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Some Historical Considerations   
 18. Dr. Gary R. Habermas  Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Some Historical Considerations   
 19. Dr. Terry Watkins  The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Fact or Fiction  Dial-the-Truth Ministries 
 20. Anderson, Tom  The Historical Evidence For The Deity and Resurrection of Jesus Christ  firefighters.org 
 21. Alpha Praise  The Glory of the Resurrection: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today/Now Let the Heav  The Majesty & Glory of the Resurrection 
 22. Fanny Dickerson Bergen  20 Misc.: Bodily Affections and Apparel  Current Superstitions 
 23. Fanny Dickerson Bergen  20 Misc.: Bodily Affections and Apparel  Current Superstitions 
 24. Fanny Dickerson Bergen  20 Misc.: Bodily Affections and Apparel  Current Superstitions 
 25. Matthew Cotta  Resurrection Security, Resurrection Praise, Psalm 30   
 26. Hans Peter Royer  Only Jesus - Jesus allein - (zu Beginn: Eva-Maria Admiral und Eric Wehrlin)   
 27. Freebase  Resurrection  Black Market Propaganda 
 28. American Boyfriends  resurrection.mp3  Valentine 
 29. Bone Thugs-N-Harmony  Resurrection  BTNHResurrection   
 30. JB Bond, Pastor, CBC  The Resurrection  The Resurrection 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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